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Cathedral of St. Joseph the Worker

Diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija

San Jose City  +639403122 

The Church is dedicated to St. Joseph the Worker. Established as the Cathedral of the Diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija on July 14, 1984.

Open Hours
Monday-Saturday 6:00 AM- 7:00 PM
Sunday 5:00 AM- 8:00 PM

Times of Liturgical Celebrations
Holy Mass (Mondays-Saturdays) 6:00 AM and 5:30 PM
Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help (Wednesdays) 5:30 PM

Holy Hour (First Fridays of the month) 5:30 AM & 7:00 PM

Hours for Confession
Regular Schedule: Wednesdays and Fridays (6:00 PM)
Daily Confessions (just inform the parish office staff)

Other Information
The Door of Mercy will be opened on December 13, 2015 at 1:00 PM

San Jose City

Maharlika Road cor. Bonifacio Street, San Jose City, Filippine